Compatible Canon IR Adv 4525 Paper Feed Roll.

Code: NSFC6-6661-000


Own Brand
Printer Manufacturer

Compatible replacement for Canon FC6-6661-000. This is from our range of Compatible Paper Pickup Rollers. Prices exclude VAT and delivery. All products are covered by a 2 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non original/non OEM. FITS: IR ADVANCE 4525i, IR ADVANCE 4535i, IR ADVANCE 4545i, IR ADVANCE 4551i, IR ADVANCE 4225, IR ADVANCE 4235, IR ADVANCE 4245, IR ADVANCE 4251, IR ADVANCE 4025, IR ADVANCE 4035, IR ADVANCE 4045, IR ADVANCE 4051, IR 2520, IR 2525, IR 2530, IR 2535, IR 2545