Compatible Mita KM Taskalfa 180 Lower Roller Pfa

Code: NS2KK94290


Own Brand
Printer Manufacturer
Kyocera - Mita

Compatible replacement for Kyocera - Mita 2KK94290. This is from our range of Compatible Lower Fuser Rollers. Prices exclude VAT and delivery. All products are covered by a 2 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non original/non OEM. FITS: TASKalfa 180, TASKalfa 181, TASKalfa 220, TASKalfa 221, TASKalfa 3010i, TASKalfa 3510i, FS-6025MFP, FS-6030MFP, TASKalfa 255, TASKalfa 305